Sunday 16 August 2015

Reflective Practice

Reflective Practice.........Having looked and posted on other blogs , there is a lot I relate to in what others say eg down to the basics of security settings in signing up to what's asked and needed for the course but with great explanation that was dealt with, now like others I'm free to use and enjoy these tools. Doing this course has given me the desire to do more in regards using the tools like hangout air/ podcasts... And now to keep up to date with all this and the interaction with other library workers is great .I'm enjoying reading others feeds and blogs.. Obviously like most things some have excellent expertise and more experience in this field which I find interesting to read their blogs , for me i am enjoying finding my way with all of this. Have to say I would like to get to publish more blogs... Then I might get more reviews.... Here's to me getting more creative with my blogs.....!!!!! on


  1. Practice makes perfect Jackie. Have a read of this Wordstream post on how to write an awesome blog in five steps I don't agree with all of them but they might give you some inspiration. #rudai23
